Saturday, November 30, 2019

Making love Essay Example

Making love Essay Is it possible to justify mass culture a growing phenomenon of human needs? Is the world of appearances rather than substitutes and release of alienation, becomes a new source of alienation?  Everyday life can therefore be considered as a kind of gigantic and constantly growing archive of gestures induced to buy, all kinds of  Mass culture grows out of human needs. Many people treat it as a facilitator from reality, a way of spending free time. Certain standards and trends are for this type of people mainstay of everyday life, give them a sense of security and self-realization. Popular culture can be a bond connecting people with similar interests, beliefs or way of life. On the other hand, mass culture makes many people own views replaces ready diagrams drawn from newspapers, radio and the Internet. It is no wonder that it is a source of alienation for those who do not want to give up its dictates.  People find themselves in the products of mass culture, such as creativity goes to a mass audience. The recipient feel connected with other people they can share experiences, curiosities or just talk to them. The products of mass culture are widely available. Media promote them, because they know that it is an easy way to make money. Besides, mass culture is assumed to be primarily geared for sale and profit. We will write a custom essay sample on Making love specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Making love specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Making love specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer If pop culture is not the result of human needs, how to explain interest in her? The greatest desire of man is not to be alone, and mass culture can provide it to him.  However, every stick has two ends and mass culture can also be a cause of alienation. If someone listens to pop music, go to the cinema on a purely commercial films and raves alternative art can meet with rejection. Such a person may be considered to be worse, because it is not wise enough to form an alternative taste.  Popular culture can be a cause of alienation. But you cannot treat it as something worse, because it grows out of human needs. It is the simplest form of entertainment, which everyone at some time desire. Making love with food:  So far the purchases were associated with screw capitalism consumption. However, it turns out that shopping is also a way of showing love.  Anthropologist Daniel Miller has found love in the supermarket. His discovery refers to a special kind of shopping food supply. So those everyday household primarily habits. For a year they shopped and talked with residents of one street in London. One of his conclusions was that choosing the right products are showing your household love and care. Women said, for example: My husband eats badly, he likes bacon, and I buy him something healthier. Therefore, I love him and I do not want him to put on weight’’. Shopping, do not make fun. You have to do it every day. No matter what strategy to take once again you will need to go get milk and bread to the store. Because it is such a mundane commercials often appear magical worlds and that potatoes pop out of uniforms and a dog, a cat and a hamster comment purchases their state. And if our world does not look like you guys are annoying and the women gathered up? Exactly so. He is, smart, has a tummy, and she knows whats going on and how to make the world a better place. Women do daily mini-consumer research. They ask if it tastes. Hit something on the promotion and considering whether to throw it into daily eating habits, whether grab or not. Women described by Miller are very clever, analyse the market, know the promotions and purchasing strategies. We have a simple life. However, when we buy for other stress is twofold. We worry, whether it will be healthy and testy .Men quite often defend the fact that they hate shopping .Yeah, but look at the mans car buyer. This is just amok, this process may take years. This is such a hunt, moreover, every now and then we hear about his Mercedes , hunt promotion.  Miller also introduces a very interesting concept of rarity a pleasures of something extra. Rarity is a reward for the effort of shopping. This could be a candy bar, ice cream, favourite tea. Women at Miller say they cannot send her husband to the store, because he brings the same antiquity, its purchases are not rational. In England, women did not let their husbands to do shopping because they spend too much. 60 % may make purchases only in the company of women, and two thirds of women totally took over the home shopping.  This would fit with the Miller research. He also pointed to a particular type of joint purchases which are shopping courting. The first joint shopping is a huge field of negotiations. This is my favourite milk, and this is my coffee, I eat only bitter chocolate. By learning to recognize the other person not only her past, her sensitive places on the body, but you also get to know her consumer habits. If you want to live in harmony. Otherwise delightful breakfast will turn into a nightmare, because instead of butter you will spread the sandwich with the margarine. We are people who build their identity by product brands, because it is the way that Western civilization is constructed. Chandlers not only keeps the body alive, but also serves to build social relationships. Particularly interesting is the relationship between mother and child. Miller says that the child takes the place of a partner, who was the subject of devotion and care. Never until now in civilization, was the child not so important. Mothers are puzzled how to select the menu, what clothes to buy, what toys to choose. Many mothers do their shopping especially for their children. One of the ideal models for human consumption is embedded in the concept of naturalness. In other words, the child knows what’s best for him, what and when to eat, when he/she want to sleep. Our role is not to disturb him/her. This means that we give up our dreams, habits or even work. According to Miller, at the beginning it was important deity. Then, under the influence of secularization the place of deity took man, whom in turn dethroned feminism. However, more interestingly, the scheme has not been interrupted. Dedication and attention to women transferred to a child who has become the new deity. Conclusion: The everyday life has infinitive variety: it is suggestive and vague, it can be distancing or jolly. Everyday life could happen by chance or it might be acquainted and routinized. Your life can be grey or merry and pleasant. Its up to you what life you want to lead. It does depends on you what sort of life you want to lead, because everyone is different surrounded by diverse people and environment thus have dissimilar experiences. However, we all breathe the same air and we all have a need for eat and sleep. We might have conflicting views and different visions on life because each of us is an individual unit. References: Rita Felski (1999) ‘’The invention of everyday life’’NO.39,pp15-31 available via SyD and the web. Henri Lefebvre (2005)[1971] Everyday life in the Modern World,Transl. Sacha Rabinovitch, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publisher, extract from Philip Wander (2005) ‘’Introduction’’,pp.vii-x and pp.xiv-xvi [full intro pp.vii-xxiii] and Lefebvre p.187-8 Michael Bull (1999) ‘’The dialectics of walking: Walkman use and the reconstruction of the site of experience’’ in Jeff Hearn and Sasha Roseneil 9eds) Consuming Cultures: Power and Resistance, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Macmillan, extract, pp.205-206 [full article pp.199-220]

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Minitheme essays

Fahrenheit 451 Minitheme essays Some may find it, some may not find it. Are we looking for it, or is it looking for us. What really is happiness and when we find it will we be satisfied with it? In the book Fahrenheit 451 the live in a place which can be the so called perfect world to some, but to many they are not happy with who they are or where they are for example: Montag as a fireman comes home day after day, doing the same thing. Coming home and wondering about his sick wife. In a way when he meets Clarisse he finds happiness. She brings him out of his shell and into a new world, but is sent back to his dreaded perfect world after he finds out that she is dead. He then finds books, which could almost be like a key, unlocking a forbidden world, but only lead to bursting flames. Montag really doesnt find happiness until he actually has to leave the city and the so called perfect world is no more after being merely erased by bombs, giving him and others the chance to start over and do things the right way. Mildred was never really happy in the world. She continually had to take sleeping pills to make herself feel better, which only leads her not remember what went on the night before. Even with her home she wasnt happy with, she wanted a new wall, when they just got a new one very shortly before. She was a rather nervous person, you could tell when she seen the books, she didnt want to lose everything, but she made the choice to turn her husband in and lose it all. Her happiness came around the walled TVs and the visitors that came over to watch with her. Beatty seemed to love his life, his job, everything about it. When it came down to the end he wasnt happy at all. He didnt understand the meaning of the books, and when it was his turn to die, he was ready, and he new he would be happy then. Last of all happiness in a way came along with the books. Any one who had ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Roman Social War 91-88 B.C.

The Roman Social War 91-88 B.C. Definition: The Social War was a civil war between the Romans and their Italian allies. Like the American Civil War, it was very costly. When the Romans wouldnt grant the Italians equality, most of the allies attempted to secede, although Latium and northern Campania remained loyal to Rome. The rebels made their headquarters at Corfinium, which they renamed Italia. Poppaedius Silo headed the allied Marsic troops and Papius Mutilus headed the Samnites, altogether about 100,000 men. The Romans divided their roughly 150,000 men under the 2 consuls of 90 B.C. and their legates. The Romans in the north were headed by P. Rutilius Lupus, with Marius and Cn Pompeius Strabo (Pompey the Greats father under whom Cicero served) under him. L. Julius Caesar had Sulla and T. Didius under him, in the south. Rutilius was killed, but Marius was able to defeat the Marsi. Rome fared worse in the south, although Papius Mutilus was defeated by Caesar at Acerrae. The Romans made concessions after the first year of the war. The lex Julia gave Roman citizenship to some possibly all Italians who stopped fighting or just those who had remained loyal. Next year, in 89 B.C., the Roman consuls were Strabo and L. Porcius Cato. They both went north. Sulla headed the Campanian forces. Marius had no commission despite his successes in 90. Strabo defeated 60,000 Italians near Asculum. The capital, Italia, was abandoned. Sulla made progress in Samnium and captured the Italian HQ at Bovianum Vetus. The rebel leader Poppaedius Silo regained it, but it was defeated again in 88, as were other pockets of resistance. Supplemental laws gave the franchise to the remaining Italians and people of the Italian regions of Gaul by 87. There was still a grievance, though, since new citizens were not equitably distributed among the 35 tribes of Rome. Main Source:H.H. Scullard: From the Gracchi to Nero. Also Known As: Marsic War, Italian War Examples: Military preparation for the Social War took place over the winter of 91/90. It was called the Social War because it was a war between Rome and its socii allies.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Impact of Roman Catholic Church on Capitalism Essay

The Impact of Roman Catholic Church on Capitalism - Essay Example The church helped the society to counter the vices by making moral values prevalent in their course of life. This indicates that the democratic society that has no accountability to god will finally degenerates. Thus Roman Catholic Church helped in the growth of capitalism and democracy by inculcating moral values in the Christian societies. The church and capitalism did not support the common property administered by state that is against the democracy. According to church and capitalism the socialism is against the natural justice and threatens the family life. Pius XI explained the above mentioned ideas in Quadragesimo Anno published in 1931. The personal responsibility, institutional changes are considered by Roman Catholic Church and capitalism against the socialism. Church helped in developing the institutions that constituted the society. This made the people to understand the reality in the capitalism according to catholic ideas. The Church supported the creative subjectivity of the human person in supporting the capitalism. This can be seen from two perspectives; philosophically and theologically. 1 The impact of Church on capitalism is due to its support to the free market economy that supports capitalism. In Centesimus Annus #32 John Paul wrote that the decisive factor has changed from land to man and knowledge. According to him this came from understanding the needs of others and ability to satisfy them. As a result the freedom will be a means of harmony between personal and societal interests. Capitalism enabled the greatest opportunity to engage creatively in economic sphere. This creativity in the capitalism is due to the church and it is the one of the ways the Church affected the capitalism. The diligence, industriousness, prudence, reliability and fidelity are the values that had shown impact on capitalism by Roman Catholic Church. The catholic ethic supports the capitalism as the human imperative that is creative and endeavor of the society to encourage the public virtue. The Roman Catholic Church as a supporter of free enterprise rejected the government's too much intervention. This is the 2nd aspect that has shown impact on capitalism from the side of Church. Catholicism contained the afore mentioned opposition for government intervention when it is extreme. Thus Catholicism rejected too much personalism in the economy. This thought has begun with Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum in 1891. The catholic society supported capitalism in the form of having right to private property with the presence of trade unions and wages. This resulted in distributist economic system. The Roman Catholic Church defended this economic system. This resulted in widespread owner ship of land. As small scale craft production obeys natural law and catholic tradition, there is some sort of opposition from the church for large scale craft production. As the economy has grown though effected by Catholicism, the large scale production

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mad Hot Ballroom by Marilyn Argrelo Movie Review

Mad Hot Ballroom by Marilyn Argrelo - Movie Review Example From the beginning of the film, establishes the basic idea that anyone can achieve anything if he/she has the zest and is ready to work towards it. It opens on Public School-115 of Washington Heights, Manhattan, when during her interview, the school Principal informs that 97% of the school's Hispanic population lives below the poverty line. However, she also asserts, that these students are not apologetic about their conditions. They are dreamers and they like to chase their passions, live their life. The ballroom dance teaching helps these students foster the very spirit. It helps them unfold their own personalities and make life more fulfilling. Yomaria Reynosa, the dance teacher of Washington Heights, PS 115 acclaims, "You don't know what's hidden inside each child until you open it up". She recalls her young days when the opportunities weren't as many. Today, students are getting a chance to unleash and enhance their talents. "With time, there are avenues opening up for them (kids) to go into something that has to do with arts". This holds true for each one of us. Future generations are always better equipped, more open and liberal than those who precede them. In our school days, kids never had technology au fait; they were never so informed about life. I remember, when in school we were first introduced to computers. There were about thirty students in a class, sharing five computers. Today, times have changed. Students have both, avenues and opportunities. As the movie progresses, it brings to light, the myriad facets of American life. The kids share their secrets, talk about various issues that concern them, discuss their perceptions about things. The dance competition event serves the perfect milieu for these young men and women to explore themselves, their dreams, their sensuality; their association with the opposite sex and to learn to coexist with harmony in a multi-cultural environment. I think it is quite relevant to any modern day society. Initially, in the movie, we see kids showing some reservation in getting together. They remain with their respective guys' and girls' groups and give out strange expressions when asked to pair up or hold hands. These kids are basically unwilling participants. With time and the consistent efforts of their dedicated teachers, the kids' inhibitions fade away, their attitudes towards their partner softens. They start accepting each other, enjoy dancing with harmony. In my teens, I had similar experiences. I would generally be a shy person and keep away from most guys.  Ã‚  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Gllance At Information And Communication Technology Essay Example for Free

A Gllance At Information And Communication Technology Essay Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an important tool in all aspects of life. With the development of technology, the introduction of ICT as a tool has essentially brought tremendous revolution to the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavor within business and governance during the past decades. Consequently, the importance of ICT project management cannot be overemphasized since it is the catalyst for successfully carrying out the ICT project. A critical research on the factors influencing the performance of ICT has been conducted as well as the introduction of different evaluation models or frameworks, which are used determine if an ICT project is successfully implemented. The last but not the least, a conclusion and a recommendation are given to prove that the potential values and benefits will be brought by elaborately analyzing those related factors before implementation and regularly evaluation on the ICT project. Table of content Introduction Recently, the role of Information and communication technology (ICT) has become more and more important in any forms of organizations and businesses. According to Daniels (2002) ICT has evolved to be one of the basic tool but pervasive among the public within such a short time. Besides, understanding the operational mechanism of ICT and mastering the fundamental skills and concepts of ICT are regarded as the basic knowledge that people now should equip with. However, it seems that many people have the wrong perceptions of what ICTs are; it’s commonly that ICTs generally be referred to ‘computers and computing related activities’ before the definition of ICT officially clarified by a United Nations report (1999). Also, according to UNESCO ICT could be understood in the way that which is the combination of ‘Informatics technology’ with other related technology, such as communication technology in particular. In other words, ICT is a more extended than information technology (IT), ICT not only emphasizes the technology itself, but also highlights the unified communications and the integration of telecommunications, computers; furthermore, by using these products such as the enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, users will be able to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. Now, we can find the radio broadcasts, audio conferencing, teleconferencing, email, interactive voice response system, audiocassettes and CD ROMs etc., are vari ous kinds of ICT products available, and those ICT products have been used for different purposes in our daily life, work environment, or common business practices. There are more and more people become aware of the benefits and efficiency brought by the ICT. With that in mind, people are starting paying more attentions on the ICT management issues, such as how to better manage ICT projects, what are those key factors determining the performance of ICT project, or how to adequately evaluate the performance of ICT project. Discussion Just as the other project management is, there are various success/failure factors related to the ICT project management. Here we discuss the roles of attitudes and the alignment between ICT and business, which are regarded as two of the most important key factors in ICT project management. A corresponding literature review is also preformed in order to better understand the background. The Roles of Attitudes Based on recent researches on the acceptance and use of ICT project, and related ICT design and development, ICT only brings values to the organization if it is accepted, applied and widely applied by those targeted users. From one of the research (Zhang, P. 2007), the author mentioned two different theories, which the inconformity between these two theories lays in the concepts behind and effects behavioral intention. The theories mentioned are Attitude toward ICT as an object (ATO) and Attitude toward using ICT as a behavior (ATB). By definition, ATO is â€Å"a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor† (Eagly et al. 1998) or, as a combination of evaluative judgments about an object (Crites et al. 1994), while ATB is defined as â€Å"an individual’s positive or negative feelings (evaluative affect) about performing the target behavior.† (Fishbein et al. 1975) And the conceptual confusions whether attitudes play important role in the context of ICT project acceptance and use has been clarified, and there is an interesting evidence showing that the roles of attitudes can change as the users’ use of the ICT increases. The Alignment between business and ICT The literature related to the information and communication technology (ICT) demonstrated that alignment between ICT and business will influence the business performance and effectiveness of the organization in a positive way. (Cumps, B., Viaene, S., Dedene, G., Vandenbulcke, J 2006) Furthermore, the alignment of business and ICT of an organization is one of the fundamental sustainable factors, which can also be an advantage for an organization. In that case, the organizations should consider establishing specific ICT management routines in order to obtain better alignment performance scores. Since the role of ICT cannot be underestimated, more and more people want to know whether the ICT really brings values, whether the ICT substantially improved the efficiency, or whether the ICT works as expected. Based on the research, there are several more comprehensive ICT management capability maturity framework developed, such as the ICT management capability maturity framework and ICT Per formance Reference Model. The differences between these two frameworks or models are the focus and the content. ICT management capability maturity framework The framework is a ‘spider diagram’, which includes seven indicators: ICT Applications, Business-ICT relationship, ICT strategy alignment, ICT user profile, ICT managerial paradigm, ICT governance and ICT organization. Before applying the ICT management capability maturity framework, the users should firstly define the critical processes of their ICT management for each indicator. For each indicator, there are specific process-orientated evaluation standards, and the users should make judgments for each standard to see whether it fits to the organization’s characters, needs, and specific industry. For each applied standard, there are different dimensionalities to assess the maturity of capability. The key function of this framework is to be used as an evaluating tool and a improvement roadmaps that can point out directions for the senior management on ICT and business management in strategies planning in order to sustainably improve, develop, and manage the ICT capability in support of optimized business value delivery. From this capability maturity framework, we can clearly see the ICT management capability maturity of an organization as well as its improvement footprint. At the same time, with the use of such framework, the organization can be evaluated on its overall ICT management capability, the comparison analysis between different organizations can be conducted, and even the industrial benchmark can als o be made to see the ranking of the organization in the certain industry. ICT Performance Reference Model ICT Performance Reference Model is a model using the reference model principles in the area of ICT management. For better understanding of the meaning of reference model, here the definition of the reference model that â€Å"Reference model contains relevant structures and relationships among the model elements (process structures, levels, document structures) and also the predefined knowledge (best practice examples) already included in these structures.† is used. ICT Performance Reference Model combines the strengths of mathematical and data modeling techniques for its structure and knowledge management principles for its content; namely, it represents the best practices and knowledge in the formalized model structure, and therefore allows easier knowledge replication. The framework of ICT Performance Reference Model includes ICT Management Process, ICT Performance management Methodologies, ICT Performance Measurement Processes, ICT Performance Measures and ICT Performance m anagement Tools and Applications. The performance of ICT project is then be evaluated through these dimensions. With the implication of ICT Performance Reference Model, it would be easier to address ICT management related issues including application functionality overlap, technology and knowledge heterogeneity, and constantly changing business pressures. Conclusion From the discussion part, we can see that there are different success/failure factors relate to the Information and Communication Technology project management. Each factor cannot be left out from consideration whenever applying an ICT project, namely, the importance of each factor cannot be overestimated, or there would possibly result in an unpleasant outcome. On the other hand, it is also necessary to have the ICT project to be reviewed, or assessed the related management capability maturity periodically. With the regular evaluation, the organization will have better understanding about the current state of the implementation of ICT project, the acceptance level of related personnel, the operation results compared to expected results, and the continuing alignment with organization’s strategies. Recommendations As we all know that the management of ICT in the enterprise has been increasing in importance and nowadays it is one of the critical success factors of any type of business. In order to ensure sustainable growing of an organization, the use of ICT cannot be avoidable. After the careful research, I recommend the organization should look into every success/failure factors corresponding with the ICT project before implementation, which will largely reduce the risk of carrying out a project and ending in nothing. At the same time, with careful elaboration on each success/failure factors, the organization will have better understanding of its status quo, its strengths and weakness, which can be a great headstone for the design and implementation of the ICT project. In addition to the prior-art research, the ongoing assessment is also important for an ICT project management. In that case, the organization should choose adequate evaluation model or framework with some customized changes in order to fit into the needs of the organization. By doing the regular inspection, the organization can notice the wrong behavior in time and make certain modifications accordingly. Without such safeguard monitor mechanism, it may be too late when the organization realizes the mistakes happening. References Becker, J., Knackstedt, R., Pà ¶ppelbuß, D. W. I. J. (2009). Developing maturity models for IT management. Business Information Systems Engineering, 1(3), 213-222. Cumps, B., Viaene, S., Dedene, G., Vandenbulcke, J. (2006, January). An empirical study on business/ICT alignment in European organisations. InSystem Sciences, 2006. HICSS06. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on (Vol. 8, pp. 195a-195a). IEEE. Donnellan, B., Sheridan, C., Curry, E. (2011). A capability maturity framework for sustainable information and communication technology. IT professional, 13(1), 33-40. Novotnà ½, O. (2009). ICT performance reference model in the context of corporate performance management systems. IDIMT-2009 System and Humans–A complex Relationship. Linz: Trauner Verlag Universitat, 13-16. Silvius, A. G. (2009, April). Business and IT Alignment: What We Know and What We Dont Know. In Information Management and Engineering, 2009. ICIME09. International Conference on (pp. 558-563). IEEE. Zhang, P., Aikman, S. (2007). Attitudes in ICT acceptance and use. In Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Design and Usability (pp. 1021-1030). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Maxine Hong Kingstons Woman Warrior - No Name Woman Essay -- Woman Wa

Maxine Hong Kingston's Woman Warrior - No Name Woman The excerpt, "No Name Woman", from Maxine Hong Kingston's book, Woman Warrior, gives insight into her life as a Chinese girl raised in America through a tragic story of her aunt's life, a young woman raised in a village in China in the early 1900s. The story shows the consequences beliefs, taught by parents, have on a child's life. Kingston attempts to figure out what role the teachings of her parents should have on her life, a similar attempt for many of us in the world. Lessons taught by our parents, the people who brought us into this world, help guide us into the people we become as adults. Hopefully, the guidance is positive. Kingston's story about her aunt sends a message as to how many families communicate the meaning of life. Through this story you will see how much we truly learn from our parents, some of it good and some of it bad. The story of Kingston's aunt, as told by her mother, started out by her mother saying. You must not tell anyone," my mother said, "what I am about to tell you. In China your father had a sister who killed herself. She jumped into the family well. We say that your father has all brothers because it is as if she had never been born." (Kingston, 319) In the first sentence of this quote, the mother is asking her daughter, Kingston, to remain quiet about a negative event, an occurrence deemed as shameful, in the family's life. Kingston's mother, playing a role model, taught her daught...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Plastic Bags

Millions of disposable plastic bags are used and discarded in Washington each year. A beached grey whale was found in West Seattle in 2010 with 20 plastic bags in its stomach. Small pieces of plastic can absorb toxic pollutants like DDT and PCB. Scientists have found that fish are ingesting these toxins when they ingest plastic, concentrating the chemicals in the food chain. There is a good chance that we also absorb these pollutants when we eat fish. The good news is, Washingtonians are taking action to protect the Sound. In 2009, Edmonds became the first city in the state to ban plastic bags.In 2011, six other cities joined the effort. Bellingham, Mukilteo, Seattle, Bainbridge Island, Port Townsend, and Issaquah all banned the bag, significantly cutting down on the amount of plastic flowing into Puget Sound. Today, dozens more communities are considering similar legislation, including Olympia. Local bans have an immediate impact and are a great start—but we can’t stop until bags are banned statewide. When plastic bags are part of mixed recyclables, they get caught in machinery, shutting down recycling operations.Responding to an Environment Washington Research & Policy Center survey, 70 percent of Washington recycling companies want plastic bags out of the waste stream. Curbside recycling in some of Washington’s cities allows the inclusion of plastic bags in mixed recyclables but this actually causes problems in the recycling facilities. †¢ Over half of Washington’s recycling facilities do not even accept plastic bags. For those facilities, 83% reported that their recycling stream was contaminated with plastic bags and it was causing problems. When plastic bags pollute mixed recyclables, they get tangled in recyclers’ machinery, causing plants to shut down. †¢ Some recycling plants in Washington estimate spending 20 to 30 percent of their labor costs removing plastic bags from their Puget Sound is an irreplaceable treasure. It is central to Washington’s culture and our livelihood. Harbor seals play within our bays and thousands of salmon make their way through the Sound every year to spawn. Three endangered pods of resident orcas visit the Sound on a regular basis. Seabirds congregate on our beaches and in our arbors, belting out their familiar cries. And beneath the waves, the seafloor The problem is not limited to Puget Sound. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, every square mile of ocean contains 46,000 pieces of floating plastic, on average. 4 About one thousand miles off the Washington coast, more than 100 million tons of plastic garbage has concentrated in an area known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. 5 Churned by ocean currents, this toxic, plastic soup spans an area twice the size of Texas. 6 Within this area, plastic outweighs plankton by up to six times during certain imes of the day. 7 machinery – on the order of $1,000 per day. †¢ More tha n 70 percent of Washington recyclers want disposable plastic bags out of the waste system. China accepts more than half of all reclaimed plastic bags for recycling, and that number is rising. †¢ Plastic bag recycling plants in China expose workers to toxic fumes, create a haze that hangs over villages, and pollute groundwater sources. Consumers bring their own bags in many parts of the world. Washington can follow this example and ban bags. †¢ Nothing we use for a few minutes should end up contaminating our oceans for hundreds of years. Because recycling efforts have proven inadequate, Washington’s civic leaders should ban single-use plastic bags. Researchers at the University of Washington-Tacoma have found plastic pollution in every water sample they have taken from Puget Sound. At least 20 nations and 88 local governments have passed bans on distributing thin plastic or other types of disposable plastic bags, Approximately 26 nations and local communities have es tablished fee programs to reduce plastic bag use and/or increase the use of reusable alternatives, After Washington, D. C. , mplemented a much smaller 5-cent tax on plastic bags, the number of plastic bags distributed by food retailers fell from 22. 5 million per month to 3. 3 million per month. Edmonds was the first city in Washington to ban plastic bags, adopting a ban in 2009. †¢ More recently, Bellingham adopted a ban on thin-plastic carry-home bags and a 5 cents fee on paper bags in July 2011. †¢ Other cities, including Seattle, Lake Forest Park, and Mukilteo, are actively considering bag bans. To make a real impact, all Washington cities and counties should restrict the use of plastic bags, and dvocate for similar action at the state level Work Citation Krehbiel, Robb. â€Å"Report: Keep Plastic Out of Puget Sound. † A Solution Not in the Bag. Environment Washington Research & Policy Center, Jan. 2012. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. Krehbiel, Robb. â€Å"Report: Keep Pla stic Out of Puget Sound. † Keeping Plastic out of Puget Sound. Environment Washington Research & Policy Center, Nov. 2011. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. Krehbiel, Bobb. â€Å"News Release. † New Report: Recycling Cannot Solve Plastic Bag Problem. Environment Washington Research & Policy Center, 14 Feb. 2011. Web. 25 Feb. 2013.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pablo and Braque: Art after World War I Essay

World War I left a tremendously lasting impact all over the world. The economic, social and governmental devastation were immeasurable.   The war begins in 1914 and lasted four years.   Eight million people lost their lives many being civilians in what has been called the Great War.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Europe was left totally destroyed economically and socially. Europe fell due to how much the war cost and increased inflation forcing them to print more money (  Ã‚   The bleak future caused many to slip into a depressive state because of the ugliness of the war.   Europe was forcibly ushered into the industrial age.   Those who enjoyed financial comfort before the war were now facing poverty (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     It is hard to imagine then the destructive nature a war could have on the artistic community of that time. Many artist including Braque joined the war leaving behind their talents to pursue battle on the military front.   Fighting side by side with their countrymen some lost their lives or sustained major wounds. Other artist witness the effect the Great War had in their home county. However, all were left with a lasting impact that was conveyed through their art work.  Ã‚   Boccioni, Macke, and Marc among others lost their lives fighting or a result of the war.   Artists like Picasso and Gris were not asked to enlist to fight because they were in neutral countries. However, many of the artists enlisted because of loyalty to their country or to be part of the drama of the war.   Up until this period artists did not have to become part of the war (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the war, many artists relived the memories of the war through their sketches and drawings.   Others were so depressed by what they saw took their artwork in an opposite direction. Paintings were mainly of city life.   There was a hesitation to show the cruelty of the war.   Many photographers would only print pictures that show bodies of the enemy, but later photographs of   bodies of Germany and French soldiers were shown lying next to each other.   (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Treaty of Versailles was only a symbolic end to the war.   The after effects of the war were still sending shock waves long after the signing of the treaty. Governments became more liberal and Germany angered over the humiliation forcibly lead to the Second World War (  Ã‚   The war had a tremendous impact on the artistic community during and after. Two notable artists of that time Braque and Picasso each reacted to the war through their artistic en devours.   For one their faceted style was maintained after the war while the other was left temporarily unable to paint transcended into more still life and back brilliant colors perhaps to phase out the bleakness of the war.   Braque’s and Picasso’s style differed after thee war due to the destruction left by the war, Braque’s injury sustained during the war, and notoriety of Picasso during and after the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   World War I lasted from August 1914 to November 1919.   It involved most of Europe and the United States. It was fought from every conceivable position-air, above ground, underground, on water, and under water. This was the first total war where countries used their total population and resources to fight.   France lost a whole generation by taking the lives of millions of Frenchmen (Encarta 2005, World War I).   The massive body count could not be conceived until the war had ended. The world had not had a war that impacted the entire world until this one. It was only referred to as World War I when World War II begins until then it was called the Great War.   It begins with the assassination of Archduke of Ferdinand in 1914 and ended with the demised of three empires: Germany, Russia, and Austro-Hungary.   The war sped up the revolution of Europe ushering the technological and scientific age. The war gave rise to the Soviet Union and the Nazi regime because of the humiliation felt by Germany. The face of central Europe was changed for the next twenty years.   Painters of every conceivable kind were on the front lines fighting side by side their comrades. Several died during the war such as Boccioni, Macke, Marc and La Fresnaye.   Neutral countries such a Spain the home to Picasso and Gris were not asked to fight.   Artist s from every genre was asked to fight.   Legar was a stretch-bearer, Kokoschka a cavalryman, and Beckmann a medic. They all wrote and painted about what they saw and did.  Ã‚  Ã‚   These artists left a heart wrenching account of the devastation of the war.   Their artwork is a testimony.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Little research has been done or their artwork has been forgotten. This probably due to the painful memories associated with the war. Others who made it through chose not depict the drama of war and their style became totally different than before.   ( /projects/great_war/effects.htm).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One such artist was George Braque who style after the war was different in color and subject matter. He was one of their own from France who fought in the war.   He was born in Argenteuil-sur-Seine which was later the home of the impressionist movement.   His father and grandfather were both house painters and young George followed in his father and grandfather footsteps. At age 15 Braque’s family moved to Le Haurve and George started taking courses at a local art school.   He started his career as an interior decorator.   Braque moved to Paris at age 17 to fully submerse himself in his passion for space and color.   He enlisted into the military and in 1902 with the financial backing of his family he attended a private art school the vole des Beaux-Arts.   He was inspired by African and Greek sculptures and often the visit the Lourve for ideas (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   George Braque painting was influence greatly by the Fauves-Matisse and Derain.   Their wild eclectic style was called Fauvism.   Fauvism emphasized wild vivid colors like that of Van Gogh (Encarta 2005 Fauvism).   Like some of the artist of the time Braque wanted to challenge the traditional themes in artwork. He wanted his paintings to evoke an emotion, a discussion, and a mood. He accomplished such a task with works like Antwerp and Landscape at La Ciotat of 1906. These paintings showed the vivid colors of Fauvism, but little line .   After a year of Fauvism, Braque became impressed by the styles of Paul Cezanne call the father of â€Å"modern art† (Cezanne, Encarta 2005). Cezanne artwork was the opposite of Fauvism. It restored order to the style of the â€Å"wild beasts† of Matisse and Derain.   This when the cubist style was formed.   Braque admired the way Cezanne’s â€Å"distorted forms† led Braque to immolate that style ( Cubism defies convention just like Fauvism, but unlike his early work everything-landscapes, houses, people-are reduced to geometric cubes.   The colors were bland and the subjects were unemotional. Such as one of his earlier cubist work Little Harbor in Normandy of 1909.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cubism can be broken into two genres: Analytical Cubism and Synthetic Cubism.   It was then in 1909 when Braque formed a friendship with Pablo Picasso that together they revolutionized the Cubist movement. Analytical cubism lasted for roughly two years. From 1911 on synthetic cubism became known.   In both genres geometric shapes were used, but now the subject was less fragmented and more recognizable (   Cubism originated from a rivalry between Picasso and Matisse.   Matisse Blue Painting caused a scandal at the exhibit the Paris art show. This how Matisse and others received the title Les Fauves.   At around the same time Picasso produced Desmoiselles and young artists that once followed Matisse now begin emulating the style of Picasso including Braque. This infuriated Matisse and others to the point of rejecting all of Braque’s work.   Matisse tried to discredit Braque’s work by showing how it was made out of little cubes and that this artistic style was easy to replicate.   The term cubism was born and catapulted Braque and Picasso.   It marked the beginning of abstract art, even though the art form should dimensions of the subject being painted. Nonetheless, cubism owes it creation to notable artists (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the beginning Picasso’s and Braque’s work dealt with neutral colors and subdued subjects. Objects were shown from a 3-dimensional perspective ( An early example of his work is the Violin and the Candlestick represented analytical cubism.   The subdued colors along with the geometric shapes are seen. However, one can not called this artwork fully abstract as the subjects of the painting are still visible and the three dimensional sides are visible ( Braque and Picasso worked so closely together that at times their work was indistinguishable (  Ã‚   Both he and Picasso began experimenting with collage and would add bits of objects such as paper to their artwork (http//   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pablo Ruiz y Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain.   He can be called a genius in the art world and undoubtedly a brilliant painter. His father was an art professor so he was destine from birth to become one of the most immovable faces of art (   He moved to Paris where many friendships formed with other artists including George Braque.   His work is labeled by different periods.   The Blue period showed his use of the color and a representative of the mood of the time.   His Rose period featured a more primitive style of art.   However, it was the art form of Cubism that made Picasso famous.   He shocks his fans and critics with Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907).   In this work he used African themes with unemotional subjects painted with varying shades of color (http//   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The bond formed between Braque and Picasso was broken by the First World War.   Braque like many artists enlisted into the French Army to show loyalty for his country.   Braque served in the Great War for two years: 1914 to 1916.   Braque entered the army as a sergeant. He was decorated twice for bravery.   During the war he sustained a significant head wound in 1916 which left him temporarily blind. He spent several months recovering in a hospital. After, he was sent to a nursing home where he spent his time expressing quotes about life and art that start long before the war.   A friend put together a book with all of Braque’s â€Å"aphorisms†.  Ã‚   Braque did not begin painting again until 1917.   He rejoined the Cubist movement after the military which was now in the synthetic phase (   Perhaps due to the cruelty of the war or the sever head wound he sustained while fighting, his artistic style quickly changed.   Braque left the theme of traditional cubism and returned more to his original roots. He started using more â€Å"softer† drawings, brilliant color and more of an personal influence as in his work   the 1919 Playing Cards ( viewpaper/21985.html)..   His paintings became more textured after moving to the coast of Normandy.   He did not reflect the war in his work, perhaps not wanting to relieve the pain of the war.   Braque along with painting also became an engraver, lithographer, and a sculptor. He along with Loewenfield turned his paintings into different images such as jewelry and books.   Both had a love for precious stones which solidified their friendship. The idea of taking 2-dimensional objects and turning them into 3-dimensional objects allowed them to create over 100 different jewels.   The Apollon Gallery featured their work in 1963 later that year Braque passed away at the age of 81 (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the Great War, Picasso went to Rome where he met and married a Russian dancer named Olga Koklova.   In Rome he worked with designer Sergey Diaghilev.   He made several portraits of their son (Paulo as Harlequin, 1924) and of their friends.   His work reflected neoclassical style showing voluptuous women (Women at the Spring, 1921) and mythological beings (The Pipes of the Pan, 1923).   Picasso also picture strange creatures and crudely painted women (Sleeping Woman in Armchair, 1927) which may have indicate trouble in his first marriage ( After the war, went further in his exploration of his style.   He emphasized color and dream-like images.   Although it appears that Picasso’s artwork wasn’t greatly affected by the war like Braque.   Picasso being a spanish citizen living in Paris was able to continue his work. However, he wasn’t without grief. The country was feeling the ill effects of the war and Picasso had to deal with the scrutiny of his friends not having to enlist.   His paintings reflected the depressive mood of that time. Picasso had to also deal with the passing of his lady friend Eva Gouel ( picasso/ section8.rhtml).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the war he tried to stay close to cubism, but was also developing a unique style of his own.   He returned to more traditional styles maybe in attempt to be recogzed for his own work and not be associated any longer with the cubist movement and his close friend Braque. It is not noted if their friendship continued after the war. Picasso struck up a friendship with a young poet and became involved with the Russian ballet ( picasso/ section8.rhtml).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The War left major devastation in it is path. No one was left unaffected by the fighting especially the artistic community. Braque and Picasso were the 20 century most notable artists. Their style impacted not only the artistic community but all who enjoy art.   However, the war seems to have left a permanent impact on George Braque as seen in his latter artwork. His style softened a contrast to the harshness of war. He focused on still life perhaps to view the world as calmer and beautiful. Picasso artwork changed very little. The notoriety he obtained probably shielded him from the devastation of the war. Perhaps, not being on the front lines allowed him to miss out on the cruelty that came from the war.   Whatever the reason, both before, during and after the war, became two great artists emerging and remaining among the brilliance of the 20th century.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Bibliography   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     World War I, 2005 Encarta Encyclopedia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fauvism, 2005 Encarta Encyclopedia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ viewpaper/21985.html   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cezanne, 2005 Encarta Encyclopedia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ( picasso/ section8.rhtml).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Usa and Middle East, Heirs to a Millenium of Missteps

Usa and Middle East, Heirs to a Millenium of Missteps The USA and the Middle East experience a relationship today that bears the stamp of a millennium and more of crucial decisions on both sides.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Usa and Middle East, Heirs to a Millenium of Missteps specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From nearly the first years of contact between people of European descent and the peoples of the Middle East, these decisions have reflected more misunderstanding and self-interest than statesmanship or vision. There are several moments over this span of time that stand out as opportunities: periods in history when relations could have been turned towards tolerance and even cooperation, but were not. Three examples of these are: the medieval push to take control of religiously important sites in what is today Israel, the betrayal of the region at the end of World War I, and more recently, the failure of Arab governments to adopt the best practices of m odern governance. While these are by no means exhaustive, they are exemplary. In the 11th century, the hardline, and an altered attitude of the Seljukian Turks towards Christian pilgrims prompted outrage and ill-organized crusades. However, a glance at a map of the area suggests the great potential advantage to the nations north of the Mediterranean of control over the sea lanes in the Mediterranean and eastward. Trade, at the least, would be easier if European powers controlled this region. This may have been the reason for the increasing emphasis on naval campaigns in the later Crusades (Bridges 10). In this instance, a more tolerant attitude by the Seljukian Muslims towards Christian pilgrims who had moved with relative freedom through the region for a long time would have made a great difference. After all, the Muslim faith had already successfully, albeit violently, taken over as much as two thirds of the European continent (Madden, Hillenbrand and Ryan). However, the behavior of the Europeans was regarded as boorish and ignorant by the Saracens, so there was probably fault on both sides (Madden, Hillenbrand and Ryan). This was a chance for mutual understanding that was thrown away. At the end of World War, after taking advantage of the Arab revolt to topple the Ottoman Empire, the Allies secretly agreed to partition the area. The Balfour agreement, also secret, promised the Jewish people a homeland in Palestine. These baldly self-interested betrayals and subterfuges were the reasons that prompted T.E. Lawrence to work for three years to make the Arab revolt as effective as possible (Lawrence).Advertising Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This double-dealing gave the Middle Eastern countries a very good reason to resent the Allies (Lawrence). It also injected a massive and persistent disruptor into the area in the form of the Zionist hom eland (Zakaria, Why do They Hate Us?) . This dishonesty was probably not necessary and fairer dealings could have laid the groundwork for greater cooperation. Over the decades since then, the sponsorship by the USA of Israel has colored all US-Middle Eastern relations. More recently, the increasing interests of the European countries and the United States in regional oil have distorted matters further (Djerejian) (Atiemo). The Middle Eastern countries have not achieved the development of modern governments and what the West regards as desirable liberties and markets. To some degree, this retarding of governmental evolution was enhanced by the use of several countries as proxies for the former USSR (Djerejian) (Ahmadov). Many of the countries of the Middle East have, additionally, cut themselves off from many of the advantages of the Western world, often, according because of a distaste for the values associated with them (Ozdemir) (Christie, Zwarun and Clark) (Woods). It is possible that if the West had not been more honest and less self-interested, these nations might have turned towards Europe rather than to the USSR or to fundamentalism. Thus, the West and the Middle East may have had chances for rapprochement, which have been discarded. As far back as the Middle Ages, and in both the Twentieth and Twenty-first centuries, approaches have been taken that plunged increasing wedges of distrust and distaste between the two. These turning points should be our guide to avoiding such bad choices in the future. Ahmadov, Ramin. The U.S. Policy toward Middle East in the Post-Cold War Era. Alternatives: The Turkish Journal of International Relations Spring/Summer 2005. Web. Atiemo, Nancy. What is the relationship between the United States’ energy policy and its foreign policy in the Middle EastT? n.d. Dundee University. Web. We will write a custom research paper sample on Usa and Middle East, Heirs to a Millenium of Missteps specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bridges, Cyprian. Sea Powerand Other Studies. Echo Library, 2006 . Web. Christie, Thomas B., Lara Zwarun and Andrew M. Clark. Finding a Credible Message to Win Hearts and Minds of the Muslim World: Article 2. Global Media Journal Volume 5.Issue 8 (2006). Web. Djerejian, Edward P. The US and the Middle East in a Changing World, The. Department of State Dispatch 444 (1992). Washington: HeinOnline, 2 June 1992. Web. Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Introductory Chapter. Seven Pillars of Wisdom. 2012. Web. Madden, Thomas, Carole Hillenbrand and Antonia Ryan. The Crusades: Why the Crusades Stil Matter: An Interview with Carole Hildebrand and Thomas Madden. 24 February 2006. National Catholic Reporter. Web. Ozdemir, Erhan. Globalization and Its Impact on the Middle East. 2008. US Navy Post-Graduate School. Web. Woods, Joshua. The Common Enemy Rationale: An Attempt to Apply Concepts of Cognitive Consistency to the Portrayals of the United States in the Foreign Press. Fall 2005. Web. Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Zakaria, Fareed. Why do They Hate Us? n.d.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Attitude Of Management Students Towards Entrepreneurship Business Essay

Attitude Of Management Students Towards Entrepreneurship Business Essay Entrepreneurship and small business creation are cornerstones of economic Development throughout the world. Entrepreneurial development today has assumed special importance, since it is a key to economic development. The impact of entrepreneurship education has been recognized as one of the crucial factors that help youths to understand and foster an attitude toward entrepreneurship. Management education provides a great potential for the establishment of new, small businesses. There is huge opportunity for developing management graduates as entrepreneurs. However, this potential is not exploited to its full extent. The purpose of the research is to examine management student’s attitudes towards entrepreneurship, as well as their views of entrepreneurship as career option and interest in entrepreneurial training. This study was conducted in selected districts of North Karnataka. A total of 200 questionnaires were sent to Management students and 152 students ware responded. Th e research shows that majority of the respondents are having positive attitude towards the entrepreneurship. (Keywords: Attitude, Economic development, Career option, Management students,Entrepreneurship.) â€Å"ATTITUDE OF MANAGEMENT STUDENTS TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A STUDY OF SELECTED DISTRICTS OF NORTH KARNATAKA† INTRODUCTION: Entrepreneurship has become an everyday buzzword. Policymakers, economists, academicians and even university students are talking about it. Today, entrepreneurship is regarded as one of the best economic development strategies to develop country’s economic growth and sustain the country’s competitiveness in facing the increasing trends of globalisation (Ooi Yeng Keat et. al). Entrepreneurship and small business creation are cornerstones of economic Development throughout the world. Entrepreneurial development today has assumed special importance, since it is a key to economic development. The objectives of industrial development, regi onal development, regional growth and employment generation depend upon entrepreneurial development. Entrepreneurs are, thus the seeds of industrial development and the fruits of industrial development are greater employment opportunities to unemployed youth, increase in per capita income, higher standard of living and increased individual savings, revenue to the government in the form of taxation and balanced regional development (Poornima Charntimath 2007). The impact of entrepreneurship education has been recognized as one of the crucial factors that help youths to understand and foster an Attitude toward entrepreneurship (Gorman, Fanlon Là ¼thje and Franke 2002; Norfadilah 2003; Nor Aishah et al. 2005). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) (2007) reports a constant growth of entrepreneurial activities in India. There are growing numbers of studies carried out to determine the influence of regional development and economic development, culture etc., on entrepreneurship.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Cell Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Cell Biology - Essay Example downregulate the expression of the histidine biosynthetic enzymes in the presence of ample histidine, since the cell does not need to synthesis histidine under those conditions. If HisP functions as a gene activator, I would expect it to bind more tightly to the regulatory sequences under conditions with low levels of histidine. As a gene activator, HisP would function to increase the expression of genes necessary for the biosynthesis of histidine. This would be more necessary and beneficial to the cell under conditions of low histidine. 2. In class we talked about how bacterial cells can take up the amino acid tryptophan from their surroundings, or if the external supply is insufficient, they can synthesize trytophan by using enzymes in the cell. In some bacteria, the control of glutamine synthesis is similar to that of tryptophan synthesis, such that the glutamine repressor is used to inhibit the transcription of the glutamine operon, which contains the genes that code for the enzymes required for glutamine synthesis. Upon binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to the site of the promoter of the operon. By repressing the expression of the glutamine operon in the abundance of glutamine, as when the repressor molecule is bound to glutamine, the cell can conserve energy by not synthesizing a molecule that is already in abundance in its environment. When the supply of glutamine drops, the number of repressor molecules bound to glutamine, and hence repressing the expression of the glutamine operon, drops as well. This allows the cell to express the glutamine operon in order to raise levels of glutamine through its own biosynthetic pathway. The regulatory mechanism would fail because no allosteric (or other) changes induced by glutamine binding to the repressor molecule would allow it to bind to the glutamine operon promoter and cease synthesis of it. As a result, assuming no other regulatory mechanisms prevented it, the cell would